Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Not giving UP, but I'm giving IN!

A lil upset when my friend mocked at my uncertainty. Keep changing jobs. I shouldn't have concern of what other people say about me. This is a process. Process to know what suitable for you and what's not. The road of exploration needs time. Life's a journey, not a destination. How long you could really work for a company consider a stable job? 10 years? 20 years? The most important thing is that you found somewhere you belong!

Thanks to Gary, an award winning designer currently working in BBDO. Please keep winning =)
He reminds me of I used to dream to reinvent the world. I want to make a different.

I feel lucky that I found out which working way suitable for me in just a month. I've experienced freelancing, I've experienced working in a large firm and small agency. After the comparison, I am thankful that I now know that: I love to share; I have tons of ideas to be heard; I love to be inspired, by experts, people from other industry, or even ordinary people; I love to work with team; I love the interaction between people; I love having lunch together; I love spending nights working together; I love seeing my ideas create positive change in this world!

I am not giving up; giving in instead. =)
And you know what's next.

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